welcome to symphonic harmonics

Our mission at Symphonic Harmonics is to use the power of drumming, sound healing instruments , Reiki and Tuning Forks to relax the body, rejuvenate the mind, uplift the spirit and empower the heart to assist to your body in healing itself to reach a state of health and wellness. We take pride in helping individuals shift to 5D consciousness 
In a space of peace, love, health and happiness.

Meet Floyd

Floyd is a Certified Sound Therapy Practitioner, Drum Facilitator, Reiki Master, Tuning Fork Specialist, Instrumentalist and Intuitive Energy Worker who uses the power of Reiki & Sound Therapy to help facilitate healing in the body.  It's my passion to serve my community to help return the body to a state of health of wellness.


Founder of symphonic harmonics


Sound is a universal element that transcends time, religion, culture, and perspectives.  Music has the ability to energize, heal, and bring people together of all kinds.  Certain frequencies when used with good intentions, have the ability to transform the mind, and spirit of individuals.  Our cells vibrate in a dance as they communicate with other cells in the body.  We believe that sound has the same effect as it's vibrations communicate messages of healing and empowerment.


the power of sound

Power of intention

The power of intention holds the secrets to a life of love, health and abundance.  Ancient spirituals teachings as well as Quantum Physics shows us that intention create ripple effects on consciousness all the way down to energetic reactions in atoms.  The law of attraction tells us that we will attract anything that we put our intention on.  Therefore, we don't attract what we want, we attract what we are.  We can use our intentions to transform our lives and through healing, acceptance and self love.

We believe that all physical and mental illnesses begin on an energetic level.  Throughout life as we experience trauma and stresses, it can compromise out Etheric Energetic body thus affecting us on a mental, emotional and physical level.  We use the power of Sound, Reiki & Loving intentions to assist your body in healing itself energetically to it's already perfect state of health.  Our body has the full potential to heal itself.

self healing

ready to schedule an appointment?

Please send us an email at contact.symphonicharmonics.com or fill out our contact form from the button below

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