sound healings

Cultures all around the world for thousands of years have used the power of sound to heal the body and alter states of consciousness.  We are all connected to the unified vibratory field of consciousness.  Everything in the universe is energy, frequency, or vibration.  Sound crossed all possible human barriers and because of this it's very effective helping the body heal.  Sound is scientifically proven at certain frequencies to alter cell function and produce harmonious reactions on a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual levels.  Western culture is just starting to understand the powerful effects of sound and the effects on the body.

Sound Healing provokes states of deep relaxation and states of conciousness.  In these deep states it becomes easier to heal deep mental/emotional issues and release fear.  Sound therapy reduces pain and relaxes the cells and tissues.  Sonopuncture, using tuning forks instead of needles on acupuncture points has been found 

sound healing services

The difference between group and personal sound healings is the personalization of it.  Each of us have our own unique fears and physical/mental/emotional/spiritual issues.  We use biofeedback, pendulums, body scanning with tuning forks and psychic energy scanning to feel what energy blockages are present.  From there we use Reiki and Sound Healing Instruments to give you a custom sound bath.  Each session is different and unique based on the needs of your body.

We use the power of Drums, Sound Bowls, Gongs, Didgeridoo, Tuning Forks and other instruments to produce a sound bath.  With the combination of shamanic practices and intuition we create a symphony of sounds to give the body just what it needs in that moment.  The power of group intention is extremely important and amplifies the energy potential.

Group sound healings

personal sound healings


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