tuning fork sessions

Tuning Fork sessions and the power they possess are growing very popular as more people are beginning to understand the effects sound has on our mind, body and spirit.  Our Tuning Forks harness the ancient power of the Solfeggio Frequencies.  These original sounds were used in Ancient Gregorian Chants, such as the great Hymn to St. John the Baptist, along with others that church authorities say were lost centuries ago as tuning of instruments changed. The chants and their special tones were believed to impart tremendous spiritual blessings when sung in harmony during religious masses. These powerful tones were rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo in the 1980's.  Of the more famous frequency of the bunch 528hz which resonates with "MI" has been used by biochemists to repair broken DNA.  That alone is mind blowing and gives great insight to the healing/activation potential of sound.  We use the Tuning Forks to clear energy blockages, balance the chakras and restore Etheric DNA function.

Tuning fork services

We use a combination of our Tuning Forks, Body Tuners, and DNA forks to scan the body for energetic blockages and create a sound healing to facilitate your body in relaxing to heal itself.  Based on your individual discomfort on that given day, we will use the appropriate Tuning Forks/Body Tuners to scan the body and create a unique sound combo based on your personal needs.  In certain cases, energetic issues may prevent the chakra from rebalancing itself.  At that point we use our DNA tuning forks which heals the energetic DNA on a deeper level to help restore balance in the energetic body.  This is really effective in clearing energetic miasms(issues incarnated from other lifetimes).  When addressing pain, our body tuners are very effective when used on accupressure points.  We also use them to assist in chakra balancing and 3rd eye/Heart Activations.  Every session is personalized for your individual needs.  Powerful shifts and epiphanies can be achieved with the right combination of sound and intent.

tuning fork sessions

Since Tuning Forks are a form a sound healing, they compliment Reiki, Drums, Crystal Bowls and other instruments perfectly.  We offer several options to give you the maximum benefit of utilizing these powerful services. 

tuning fork session pricing

Tuning Fork Session - $75/hour, $125/1.5hrs
45min Reiki/45min Tuning Fork Session - $125
45min Tuning Fork Session/45min Sound Healing - $135

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i'm ready!

Please send us an email at contact.symphonicharmonics.com, call/text us at 302-593-1534 or fill out our contact form from the button below

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