it all began with a passion for music

Floyd is a Certified Sound Vibration Practitioner, Drum Facilitator, Reiki Master, Tuning Fork Specialist, Instrumentalist and Intuitive Energy Worker who uses the power of Natural Healing Energy & Sound Therapy to help clients relax the body, calm the mind and energize the spirit.  With a background in audio engineering, sound and frequencies has always been second nature. Floyd uses his keen ear for music & sound to channel love vibrations to intuitively heal. He uses these gifts and fuses them with the healing power of drumming, crystal bowls, tuning forks and other instruments to assist the body in healing itself. With a big heart and a passion to help others, Floyd aspires to assist others in healing and shifting to higher levels of consciousness through the power of sound, love and intentions.

How it all started

Meet Floyd

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Everyone is born in a pure state.  Heart open with eyes full of wonder.  As we grow up and develop an ego, we accumulate trauma which can slowly "calcify" the heart chakra.  This explains why depression and anxiety is so common now days.  We believe in shadow work and deep healing.  Upon realizing you're not your past, forgiveness can begin.  We take pride in assisting others in healing their souls to return to their natural state of love and health.


Living through the heart

power of intention

Intention is one of the most powerful keys to accessing a life of positive manifestations and happiness.  As they saying goes "What you focus on grows"  This is a key fundamental of Law Of Attraction.  When doing our healing work we focus our heart and intentions on being a vessel to channel healing energy to our clients.  With an intention to serve and do good by every living being, we're doing our part to make the world a better place for future generations.

We believe that all physical and mental illnesses begin on an energetic level.  Throughout life as we experience trauma and stresses, it can compromise out Etheric Energetic body thus affecting us on a mental, emotional and physical level.  With the power of Sound, Reiki & Love intentions, we assist your body in healing itself energetically to it's already perfect state of health. 

self healing

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